St Mary's School

Term Dates

Our term dates for the coming academic years are published below. Please note provisional dates where indicated.


Wednesday 17th April Term Starts
Monday 6th May Bank Holiday



Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September INSET for Staff (School Closed)
Wednesday 4th September Term Starts
Monday 21st October - Friday 1st November Half Term
Monday 4th November Pupils Return
Friday 13th December Term Ends 12.30pm
Monday 6th January INSET for Staff (School Closed)
Tuesday 7th January Term Starts
Monday 17th - Friday 21st February Half Term
Monday 24th February INSET for Staff (School Closed)
Tuesday 25th February Pupils Return
Wednesday 2nd April Term Ends 12.30pm
Wednesday 23rd April Term Starts
Monday 5th May Bank Holiday (School Closed)
Monday 26th - Friday 30th May Half Term
Monday 2nd June INSET for Staff (School Closed)
Tuesday 3rd June Pupils Return
Friday 4th July Term Ends 12.30pm