Running three times a week for children aged 6 months to 3 years, Mini St Mary’s is our free play-and-stay group for young families in the community. It is run by Mrs Amanda Jennings, Head of Early Years.
Our ‘Mini’ sessions are set-up for babies, toddlers and children to explore, play and create in a secure, clean, friendly and warm environment. Every week there is a selection of toys, puzzles, books, a home corner, as well as creative activities. The hour concludes with circle time.
A very friendly and popular group, Mini St. Mary’s supports every child to develop their Personal, Social and Emotional skills, Communication and Language, and Physical Development, as they start there learning journey before they attend nursery or school. It is also a lovely opportunity for local families to meet, socialise and enjoy spending time playing with their children.
Sessions take place during term time on:
- Thursdays: 10am-11am
- Thursdays: 2pm-3pm
- Fridays: 10am-11am