Mary Poppins

As Year 6 embark on their final week at St. Mary’s, they delighted audiences on Monday and Tuesday with their annual school production. This year saw Mary Poppins take to the skies, complete with chimney sweeps, kite flying, and a spoonful of sugar.

Thank you to Miss Mc Manus, Head of Music & Drama, for preparing the girls and putting together such a magical production. Year 6 have been rehearsing since February, and their efforts truly came to fruition this week.

We now look forward to our Leavers’ Dinner on Thursday, ahead of the end of term on Friday.

Welcome to St Mary’s School, Hampstead

Our school strives to nurture an active partnership between home, school, parish, and the wider North London community. Situated in one of London’s most affluent and scenic areas, our school is an excellent choice for families in North London who want their daughters to receive a premier education in a safe, nurturing, and inspiring locale.

“Our St Mary’s Way is the spirit by which we live: to treat other people as you would like to be treated, to do your best to be your best, to be honest and truthful, to listen to each other, to be kind and helpful, to forgive, and to share.”

Charlotte Owen, Headmistress