St Mary's School

Spiritual Life

Catholic Private School in Hampstead

Catholic Faith and Spiritual Life at St Mary’s School, Hampstead

Catholics believe that Religious Education is not one subject among many but the foundation of the entire educational process.The beliefs and values it communicates should inspire and unify every aspect of school life. It should provide the context for, and substantially shape, the school curriculum and offer living experience of the life of faith in its practical expression.

At St Mary’s School, we follow the ‘Here I Am’ programme for Religious Education. We work on common themes throughout the School. As a result, the children experience a programme which enables and supports their faith development and spiritual life.

All children participate in a variety of acts of worship through Assemblies, Mass, services and Praying Together activities. The School also celebrates the Holy Days of Obligation.

Father Chris Connor is the School Chaplain. He guides us spiritually in our everyday work and provides wonderful pastoral support and care for the whole school community. All of our masses and liturgies take place in our own school chapel.

The children are taught a wide range of liturgical music that enhances all our worship. We have an excellent Chapel Choir that performs not only at school, but also leads other singing events throughout the School year.

Children are prepared for the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confession with the close involvement of parents and staff. Pupils are encouraged to be compassionate to others and to live out the gospel values of loving one another by involving themselves in charitable work in the local community and supporting various charities around the world.


We are very fortunate at St Mary’s School to have our own dedicated Chaplain – Reverend Fr Chris Connor. Father Chris provides wonderful support for the whole school community. He works at St Mary’s for 2½ days a week and provides valuable teaching input and spiritual support for the whole community. Father Chris leads us in our religious celebrations.

We celebrate mass in our beautiful chapel which is at the centre of St Mary’s; not just in a physical location, but also in ethos and action. It is also where we hold any religious services as well as our weekly ‘Praying Togethers’. Whole school masses are celebrated at the start and end of the term and on Holy Days. Classes hold masses once a term and parents are invited to attend these. Children, staff and parents use the chapel at many other times during the school day. It is a wonderful resource. You would be most welcome to use it also

Chapel Choir

The Year 6 girls form the beautiful Chapel Choir. They sing regularly at masses and other occasions. There are annual Carol Concerts and celebrations at school. The Chapel Choir also takes part in outside music events and performs with other school choirs at the Albert Hall each year. They are supported by other musicians across the school.