Our term dates for the coming academic years are published below. Please note provisional dates where indicated.
Wednesday 17th April | Term Starts | Monday 6th May | Bank Holiday |
Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September | INSET for Staff (School Closed) | Wednesday 4th September | Term Starts | Monday 21st October - Friday 1st November | Half Term | Monday 4th November | Pupils Return | Friday 13th December | Term Ends 12.30pm |
Monday 6th January | INSET for Staff (School Closed) | Tuesday 7th January | Term Starts | Monday 17th - Friday 21st February | Half Term | Monday 24th February | INSET for Staff (School Closed) | Tuesday 25th February | Pupils Return | Wednesday 2nd April | Term Ends 12.30pm |
Wednesday 23rd April | Term Starts | Monday 5th May | Bank Holiday (School Closed) | Monday 26th - Friday 30th May | Half Term | Monday 2nd June | INSET for Staff (School Closed) | Tuesday 3rd June | Pupils Return | Friday 4th July | Term Ends 12.30pm |